My Story

Discover the origin of SMALL DREAM SWEETS & the chocolatier who conceptualised it.


My name is Liam Morgan, I'm a 26y/o professional chocolatier from Melbourne. I studied Pastry arts at William Angliss Institute then qualified and have since worked in industry as a chocolatier.

I'd always loved cooking as a kid, learning to make food for my brother and myself from an early age. Ever since I can remember I’ve been fixated on crafts and learning to create things by hand.
Very early on I knew I wanted to make chocolate, and I’ve never deviated from that focus my whole life.

My passion for chocolate has fulfilled most of my personal time for as long as I can remember. Professionally it’s led me to work with many different chocolatiers in Melbourne, including: Only Mine, Koko Black, Atypic Lab, Yarra Valley chocolaterie & RATIO cocoa roasters. It’s allowed me to meet many memorable people who I call my dear friends today. It’s even taken me as far as Canada, where I was fortunate enough to secure my dream job at Chocolat de Kat in Toronto. In my 18 months with this exceptional chocolatier, I refined my modest goals within this space and discovered just who I want to be as a professional.


I’ve always dreamed of having a shop where I can share what I love with people. A welcoming professional space where people are encouraged to innovate, one in which I can employ my friends & elevate the standards of my industry. I want to leave this place better than I found it, and to inspire the people that will inevitably come after me. Most importantly, it’s about making a place where the goal is to create colourful, shiny little sweets with complex compositions and inventive flavours. Chocolates that reflect my history and experiences as a professional.

Now I’m settled back into this city that I call home, I’m here to make my mark on this space.


The concept behind Small Dream Sweets is both modest & new. I have a vision to introduce contemporary chocolate to Melbourne, unlike anything that’s already here.

I’m here to boldly stand apart from the old school & traditional methods that still dominate this industry I learned within. SDS is about celebrating techniques & styles that are at the height of innovation in this field. Methods and ideas that belong in this amazing epicentre of Australian creativity & art, in the form of shiny little chocolates glistening in every colour.

I look forward to sharing my small dream with you,

check out some treats today!

-Liam Morgan

                                                                                  SDS creator & Chocolatier

Visit the Shop-

Have a look at some of the unique, handmade chocolates available for purchase